Peterson Irish Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin
Peterson Irish Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

Peterson Irish Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

Regular price £20.80
Tax calculated at checkout Shipping calculated at checkout. The levels of nicotine in a cigar are between 100 to 200 milligrams, and in some cases


Peterson's Irish Flake Pipe Tobacco is a dark Burley, Kentucky and Virginia blend that has no topping added so you get the full flavour of the rich tobaccos. With a deep, woody, smoky flavour it is quite a savoury smoke that satisfies the taste buds. To begin with there's a slight peppery taste but as you continue to appreciate the bowl the flavours take on a creamy quality, a mellow oak and musky grass.

Uniformly cut, the dark coloured flakes are marbled with light golden browns. They are presented like a line of soldiers in the tin and give an earthy, grassy scent. The tobacco is moist but not wet and rubs out well. It catches the flame with ease and burns slowly, evenly and thoroughly. The nicotine content of this blend is quite high, so you may want to take it slowly or use a smaller bowl.

A full bodied blend made of equal proportions air-cured, flue cured and dark fired. True to the pure, unspoilt tobacco taste. Recommended for the experienced pipe smoker.